Project Experts / Експерти проєкту:
Experts / Експерти | The topics of the reports / Теми доповідей |
Robert Alberski
Professor, The University of Wroclaw, Poland |
1. Parties and coalitions in Polish elections |
Piotr Sula
Associate Professor, The University of Wroclaw, Poland |
1. Challenges to the Political Science in transformation: Between demographic crisis, désintéressement, inflation of education and “pointosis”
2. European Social Survey – a tool to analyze and interpret electoral behaviors |
Joanna Kozierska
Assistant Professor, The University of Wroclaw, Poland |
1. Parties and coalitions in Polish elections |
Karol Chwedczuk-Szulc
Associate Professor, The University of Wroclaw, Poland |
1. Challenges to the Political Science in transformation: Between demographic crisis, désintéressement, inflation of education and “pointosis”
2. Perception and misperception of the Russo-Ukrainian War. Why do Russia and the West ignore facts? |
Volodymyr (Ze’ev) Khanin
Professor, Bar-Ilan University, Israel |
1. Party Politics and parliamentary democracy debate in Israel vis-à-vis the experience of East-Central and Eastern Europe
2. Liberal democracy at the times of the war: The Israeli experience and its implication for V4 and Ukraine |
Mindaugas Jurkynas
Professor, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania |
1. Europeanisation, post-communist transformation and party politics |
Andrea Schmidt
Associate Professor, The University of Pecs, Hungary |
1. The problems of illiberal turn in Hungary
2. Regional integration models in Central and Eastern Europe – is the V4 a mirage or reality? |
Viktor Glied
Associate Professor, The University of Pecs, Hungary |
1. Teaching recent challenges to university students from different cultural backgrounds (ecological and social challenges, ethnic and religious conflicts, wars)
2. Sometimes together, sometimes separated: changing constellations regarding the V4 cooperation |
Karel Kouba
Associate Professor, Charles University in Prague, Czechia |
1. Problems in the development of Czech Political Science research and education: between internationalization and domestic focus
2. Czech democracy: Defying the illiberal trend in Central Europe |
Pavla Dočekalová
Assistant Professor, The University of Hradec Králové, Czechia |
1. Problems in the development of Czech Political Science research and education: between internationalization and domestic focus
2. Czech democracy: Defying the illiberal trend in Central Europe |
Nataliya Maradyk
Associate Professor, The University of Presov, Slovakia |
1. Characteristics of European integration of the Slovak Republic
2. Features of the development of the political system of the Slovak Republic |
Gabriel Székely
Assistant Professor, The University of Presov, Slovakia |
1. The evolution and the current situation of Political Science in Slovakia
2. Elections in Slovakia: Practical topics and questions |
Галина Зеленько
Професор, Інститут політичних і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кураса, Україна |
1. Як війна змінила політичні інститути України?
2. Вплив ФПГ на суспільно-політичні процеси в Україні та інституційна спроможність держави |
Микола Сунгуровський
Кандидат технічних наук, директор військових програм, Центр Разумкова, Україна |
1. Національна та міжнародна безпека в умовах війни |
Віталій Портников
Журналіст, оглядач, «Радіо Свобода», Україна |
1. Україна в світі, що змінюється |
Олексій Антипович
Соціолог, Соціологічна група «Рейтинг», Україна |
1. Україна в умовах війни: динаміка суспільних настроїв |