93030aac8da7eacba44a17d54cc1067119a8fbc0 Experts – Політичні студії в Україні


Project Experts / Експерти проєкту:

Experts / Експерти The topics of the reports / Теми доповідей
Robert Alberski

Professor, The University of Wroclaw, Poland

1. Parties and coalitions in Polish elections
Piotr Sula

Associate Professor, The University of Wroclaw, Poland

1. Challenges to the Political Science in transformation: Between demographic crisis, désintéressement, inflation of education and “pointosis”

2. European Social Survey – a tool to analyze and interpret electoral behaviors

Joanna Kozierska

Assistant Professor, The University of Wroclaw, Poland

1. Parties and coalitions in Polish elections
Karol Chwedczuk-Szulc

Associate Professor, The University of Wroclaw, Poland

1. Challenges to the Political Science in transformation: Between demographic crisis, désintéressement, inflation of education and “pointosis”

2. Perception and misperception of the Russo-Ukrainian War. Why do Russia and the West ignore facts?

Volodymyr (Ze’ev) Khanin

Professor, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

1. Party Politics and parliamentary democracy debate in Israel vis-à-vis the experience of East-Central and Eastern Europe

2. Liberal democracy at the times of the war: The Israeli experience and its implication for V4 and Ukraine

Mindaugas Jurkynas

Professor, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

1. Europeanisation, post-communist transformation and party politics
Andrea Schmidt

Associate Professor, The University of Pecs, Hungary

1. The problems of illiberal turn in Hungary

2. Regional integration models in Central and Eastern Europe – is the V4 a mirage or reality?

Viktor Glied

Associate Professor, The University of Pecs, Hungary

1. Teaching recent challenges to university students from different cultural backgrounds (ecological and social challenges, ethnic and religious conflicts, wars)

2. Sometimes together, sometimes separated: changing constellations regarding the V4 cooperation

Karel Kouba

Associate Professor, Charles University in Prague, Czechia

1. Problems in the development of Czech Political Science research and education: between internationalization and domestic focus

2. Czech democracy: Defying the illiberal trend in Central Europe

Pavla Dočekalová

Assistant Professor, The University of Hradec Králové, Czechia

1. Problems in the development of Czech Political Science research and education: between internationalization and domestic focus

2. Czech democracy: Defying the illiberal trend in Central Europe

Nataliya Maradyk

Associate Professor, The University of Presov, Slovakia

1. Characteristics of European integration of the Slovak Republic

2. Features of the development of the political system of the Slovak Republic

Gabriel Székely

Assistant Professor, The University of Presov, Slovakia

1. The evolution and the current situation of Political Science in Slovakia

2. Elections in Slovakia: Practical topics and questions

Галина Зеленько

Професор, Інститут політичних і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кураса, Україна

1. Як війна змінила політичні інститути України?

2. Вплив ФПГ на суспільно-політичні процеси в Україні та інституційна спроможність держави

Микола Сунгуровський

Кандидат технічних наук, директор військових програм, Центр Разумкова, Україна

 1. Національна та міжнародна безпека в умовах війни
Віталій Портников

Журналіст, оглядач, «Радіо Свобода», Україна

1. Україна в світі, що змінюється
Олексій Антипович

Соціолог, Соціологічна група «Рейтинг», Україна

 1. Україна в умовах війни: динаміка суспільних настроїв
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